Saturday, October 3, 2015

September Scads


noun, Usually, scads
1. Informal. a great number or quantity

 Things *I* think are worth your while to read:

  • A short look at 6 people who took an alternative path in order to live out their faith in their day-to-day lives.
  • A wise perspective on going to church when you don't feel like it.
  • As Christians, we're called to care about creation- and when we do, it's important that we look into our everyday actions to see how they're impacting it. If you're an "average" American, this is your contribution to the California drought.
    • Why should you care? Here's one reason.  
    • And here's a 15 year old addressing the UN about climate change for the third time. Side note: If you're feeling inadequate because you're older than 15 and you've yet to address the UN even once, please know you're not alone and it doesn't mean you're not also doing something worthwhile. And if you're Pastor Rich reading this, I hope you're fully appreciating this guy's awesome hair.
  •  This awesome couple saw a need and filled it (fair warning: only females have this particular need)
  • And we'll end with your feel-good story of the day: Lou Xiaoying is a poor Chinese woman who has still somehow managed to save the lives of over 30 abandoned children, even though she never set out to save the world.

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