Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Upside

We finally wrapped up our Social Justice unit by talking about the good things- what people are already doing, how we can help, and what we can do in our everyday lives!

We started with a selection of quotes, and I asked you all to choose your favorite (my apologies- authorship is missing on some quotes):

  • We live in a culture where people are more offended by “swear” words and middle fingers than they are by famine, warfare, and the destruction of the environment. –RSIFIAOI
  • To live charitably means not looking out for our own interests, but carrying the burdens of the weakest and poorest among us. – Pope Francis
  • I always wondered why somebody didn’t do something about that. Then I realized that I am somebody.
  • Sometimes I want to ask God why He allows poverty, famine, and injustice in the world, when He could do something about it. But then I’m afraid He might ask me the same question.
  • The more often [a person] feels without acting, the less he will be ever to act, and in the long run, the less he will be able to feel. – C.S. Lewis
  • Everywhere in the world are ordinary people willing to confront despair, power, and incalculable odds in order to restore some semblance of grace, justice, and beauty to this world. – Paul Hawkin
  • Change happens when enough people speak up in the same voice.
  • Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • You may choose to look the other way, but you can ever say again that you did not know. – William Wilberforce
  • If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. – Desmond Tutu
  • The biggest human temptation is to settle for too little. – Thomas Merton
  • It’s easier to get free Wi-Fi than it is to get free water, and people act like there’s nothing wrong with the world.
  • What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains, and is immortal. – Albert Pine
  • One person speaking up makes more noise than a thousand people who remain silent. – Thom Harnett
  • Do not let what you cannot do tear from your hands what you can. – Ashanti Proverb
  • If only I had an enemy greater than my apathy, I would have won. -- Mumford and Sons, "I Gave You All"
We then broke into 3 groups to cover the 3 areas of concern we've been talking about the last three weeks- global hunger, poverty in the US, and human trafficking. You all got a chance to search for organizations that are already out there, and then present a few of them to the group. Hopefully, you were inspired by finding more organizations than we had time to discuss- there are so many people doing great things!

And finally, we took a few minutes to discuss what we can do every day to make changes:

What can you do?

  • Check your consumption- make sure you’re not indirectly fueling war and poverty. This goes for yourself AND for gift giving to others!
  • Pay attention to what’s going on around you- look for opportunities to help
  • Talk about the things that matter. Try for once a week to start.
  • Donate to causes that are trying to right wrongs
  • Write your alderman, senators, representatives, governor, president, whoever is most appropriate
  • Recommend books, articles, blogs to people
  • Post them to your Facebook, Twitter, etc.
  • Invite your friends to volunteer- help them to see the problem and how great the solution would be
  • Look up initiatives that are doing something you approve of, and send them a letter of encouragement
  • Set aside time each week (maybe just one hour) as your time to focus on social justice
  • Think about how you can incorporate your talents and skills into fighting injustice
  • PRAY!
Our 5 Minutes of God Time song: Hold on to What You Believe by Mumford and Sons

Our closing prayer:

May God give you perspective on the things that frustrate you. May your heart of compassion grow for those who suffer in unimaginable ways. May you pray as passionately for them as you do for yourself. May God protect you from a small, selfish mindset. May He fill you up with thanksgiving and joy for the freedoms you enjoy! May he renew your resolve to be a grateful, humble soul. And may he use you tomorrow in ways that surprise and bless you.

 --Susie Larson.

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