Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Your August Aggregation

1. a group or mass of distinct or varied things, persons, etc.:
    an aggregation of complainants.
2. collection into an unorganized whole.
Here are some things you should know/watch/check out before the end of this month:
  •  The Pope has declared September 1st as a day of prayer for the protection of the environment, should you care to join in!
  • The UCC has released information on their next National Youth Event (in 2016). This one is at Disney World, and allows for families/non-youth to also register.
    • Since they haven't released the lineup of workshops, etc. yet, check out 2012's website and summary to see if this might be something you'd want to do! (the workshop listing is at the bottom of the page)
And upcoming Youth Group news:
  • We're starting up again on Sept. 13th for Rally Day! Plan to stay afterward to join in the church picnic and serve ice cream.
  • I'm making the schedule for this year, so let me know topics and activities you'd like to see!

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